聚力增长 2019-10-16 09:30:00.0-2019-10-16 10:10:00.0|2019-10-16 09:30:00.0

  • 微博高级副总裁

  • 新浪娱乐事业部总经理

  • 广州王老吉大健康产业有限公司副总经理

  • 上海蕴世广告传媒有限公司 CEO


在我国经济承压前行的背景下,努力谋求增长成为企业继续发展的必由之路。移动互联网时代,微博以社交关系和优质内容连接品牌与消费者,「Social First」成为众多企业的战略实践。作为企业命运共同体的微博,致力于帮助企业践行Social First战略,实现持续增长。本次论坛我们邀请到业内专业人士,从不同角度来共同探讨移动互联网时代, Social First如何助力企业的持续增长和发展。


3-2 2019金投赏娟总演讲PPT-final-1015.pdf



Weibo is a leading social media for people to create, share and discover content online. It combines the means of public self-expression in real time with a powerful platform for social interaction, content aggregation and content distribution. Any user can create and post a feed and attach multi-media and long-form content. User relationships on Weibo may be asymmetric; any user can follow any other user and add comments to a feed while reposting. This simple, asymmetric and distributed nature of Weibo allows an original feed to become a live viral conversation stream. Weibo enables its advertising and marketing customers to promote their brands, products and services to users. Weibo offers a wide range of advertising and marketing solutions to companies of all sizes. The Company generates a substantial majority of its revenues from the sale of advertising and marketing services, including the sale of social display advertisement and promoted marketing offerings. Weibo has developed and is continuously refining its social interest graph recommendation engine, which enables its customers to perform people marketing and target audiences based on user demographics, social relationships, interests and behaviors, to achieve greater relevance, engagement and marketing effectiveness.