一起奔流!!! 2020-10-22 15:30:00.0-2020-10-22 16:10:00.0|2020-10-22 15:30:00.0

  • 第一财经总经理助理 经营中心总监

  • 第一财经编委、第一财经杂志总编辑北京分公司总经理

  • 第一财经主持人

  • 艺康集团大中华区集团发展及传播总监

  • 富士胶片(中国)投资有限公司影像事业部总经理
    正田 周




2020 世界给出我们很多的难题,一度阻隔和切断了我们前行的道路。 屏息静止,徘徊反思后,我们主动出击,寻求出路,更要创造可能! 一起跨越困难 一起重拾信心 一起追逐理想 一起探索未来 一起重启增长 一起向前奔流 这是一个信息的时代、流量的时代,这个时代更加需要真实的声音。 第一财经作为专业的财经全媒体集团,在今年疫情爆发伊始,敲响媒体强音,用专业性和大格局的疫情报道进行全面复盘。在确立深度、独家、专业内容生产的业界口碑和品牌影响力下,紧跟趋势,应变而变,向着商业大数据业务场景化内容供应与运营服务投顾服务升级全媒体整合营销,全面奔流,以更广域的(流量)向前奔涌。 阴霾之下 希望与担当从未缺席 用最大的力 为彼此拂去时代的尘埃 让失去的被铭记 让创伤孕育新的生机 复苏之路 哪怕面对更多不确定 我们依旧相信 世界终将重拾生机 第一财经愿与你一起奔流!

The difficulties that emerged all around the world this year at one point blocked and even cut off the paths along which we advanced. But we actively fought back, sought solutions and attempted to create more possibilities after pausing for introspection! We shall jointly overcome these difficulties.Win back our confidence.Pursue our ideals,explore the future together by setting out again for growth,and advancing together! This is an era of information and online traffic, which calls for more genuine voices.Yicai Media Group, as a comprehensive professional financial and economic media, sounded the strong voice of the media and comprehensively reviewed the overall situation with specialized, large-scale reporting about the Covid-19 pandemic from the start of its outbreak this year. Our group has closely followed trends and adapted to the changes, leveraging our reputation and brand influence for producing in-depth, exclusive and specialized content to move towards a Big Data business, scenario-oriented content supply,upgrades investment consulting and integrated marketing services that integrate all media to advance with more varied and extensive online traffic.


杜坚       第一财经总经理助理、经营中心总监

赵嘉       第一财经编委、第一财经杂志总编辑北京分公司总经理

黄伟       第一财经主持人

李佶之    艺康集团大中华区集团发展及传播总监

正田 周  富士胶片(中国)投资有限公司影像事业部总经理



第一财经,是中国深具影响力的财经全媒体集团。 第一财经创办于20 03年,总部位于上海,在北京、广州、深圳设有分公司,并在全球主要经济、金融中心城市设有派驻机构或人员。 第一财经旗下机构和产品包括:第一财经APP(移动客户端)、第一财经网(www.yicai .com)、第一财经电视、第一财经日报、第一财经杂志、第一财经研究院、第一财经商业数据中心,以及面向全球财经人士的英文媒体平台一财全球(www.yicaiglobal.com)。 第一财经是中国领先的原创财经内容来源,每天生产与发布超过2000条财经资讯、视频、数据报告与深度分析报道,不间断播报中国与全球交易市场信息,并对重大财经事件进行现场直播。 此外,第一财经亦提供媒体广告策划与传播、论坛会议、投资者教育、市场与行业研究、以及针对企业的高端内容定制和创意设计等服务。

Yicai Media Group, a subsidiary of Shanghai Media Group, is headquartered in Shanghai, founded in July 2003. Yicai has become China’s largest financial media group with a wide variety of business divisions including Yicai APP (mobile app), Yicai website(www.yicai.com), Yicai TV, China Business News, YiMagazine, Yicai Research Institute, CBN Data and Yicai Global(www.yicaiglobal.com), a very own English-language news stream Yicai Global. As a mainstream financial media, Yicai Media Group delivers more than 2,000 items of text, videos, data and analysis on a daily basis, and provides a wide range of professional services, including advertising, organizing conference and forum, content solution, content customization, investor education and design service. In addition, by copyright collaboration, content licensing and strategic partnership, Yicai distributes its news, video, data analysis products to leading media platforms and financial institutions at home and abroad and builds up an omni-media, cross-platform and globalized content ecosystem, influencing tens of millions users’ expectation towards economy and financial markets.