新·消费时代 全新情势下 品牌的营销驱动力 2020-10-22 11:45:00.0-2020-10-22 12:25:00.0|2020-10-22 11:45:00.0

  • 值得买科技集团商业化中心副总裁

  • 金鼠标数字营销大赛、TMA移动营销大奖联合创办人、执行主席

  • Impact Radius Co. Ltd.大中华区总裁
    Jennifer Zhang

  • 途虎养车副总裁


什么值得买早期是一个3C博客,主要分享3C的产品以及海外的优质商品。经过十年多的升级发展,已凭借优质的消费类内容、创新的多元化互动方式和不断优化的产品运营机制,构建起链接消费者与电商、品牌商的值得买模式:通过内容质量实现用户增长和商业变现,通过技术驱动提升用户体验与变现效率,从而构建起用户、创作者和电商、品牌商共赢的良性生态系统。 目前已经涵盖了3400多个消费类目,消费数据库收录的SKU400万。我们的使命是帮助各个层次的用户,享受到力所能及范围内的最好生活及帮助并扶持有信念制造最好产品或服务的品牌,更高效地被用户认同。 随着197月值得买在深交所创业板上市,正式开启了集团化战略全面布局;星罗创想、华夏风物、有桐科技、有助科技、多元通道多维度业务发展助力消费经济良性循环。 我们希望让更多的人知道值得买模式,现阶段公司不仅具备全域优质消费内容生产及运营能力,还具备将优质内容应用于品牌建设、流量运营及转化的全面营销能力,更通过技术赋能,具备将零售链条结构优化、精准匹配的资源整合能力,未来更要将值得买模式推广至更多细分领域,高效能、低成本、一站式链接起消费内容产业中的每个环节。

Zhidemai early is a 3C blog, mainly sharing 3C products and overseas high-quality goods. After more than a decade of upgrading and development, relying on high-quality consumer content, innovative diversified interactive mode and constantly optimized product operation mechanism, a "worth buying mode" linking consumers with e-commerce and brand merchants has been established. Through content quality, user growth and commercial realization can be realized, and user experience and realization efficiency can be improved through technology drive, so as to build users and creations It is a good ecosystem of win-win with e-commerce and brand business. At present, it has covered more than 3400 consumption categories, and the consumption database contains nearly 4 million SKUs. Our mission is to help users at all levels to enjoy the best life within their ability and to help and support brands that have faith in making the best products or services, so as to be recognized by users more efficiently. With the listing of worth buying on the growth enterprise market of Shenzhen Stock Exchange in July, 19, the comprehensive layout of collectivization strategy was officially opened;


田伟       值得买科技集团商业化中心副总裁

方立军    金鼠标数字营销大赛、TMA移动营销大奖联合创办人、执行主席

Jennifer Zhang      Impact Radius Co. Ltd.大中华区总裁

朱鹤群    途虎养车副总裁


2020金投赏-值得买科技-全新消费变革下 品牌的营销增长驱动力.pdf


北京值得买科技股份有限公司成立于201111月,2019715日正式登陆深圳证券交易所创业板。 公司旗下消费内容平台什么值得买10年深耕消费领域,构建起一个用户、创作者和电商、品牌商共赢的良性生态系统,成立以来内容规模、用户规模、客户规模以及盈利规模持续不断增长,具备了难以复制的网络效应。 作为兼具品牌营销和订单转化双重能力的优质营销平台,什么值得买成为电商、品牌商获取用户、扩大品牌影响力的重要渠道,目前合作领域覆盖全品类,为数万家合作伙伴提供营销解决方案。公司下属子公司星罗创想对接外部短视频、直播等媒体和达人资源,提升外部渠道的内容变现效率,满足品牌客户的全渠道营销需求。 未来公司仍将继续专注消费内容与消费数据,提供多元化的工具与服务,建设品牌内容与关系运营的主阵地,深入各行业推动商业资源优化和商业产品变革,为电商、品牌商提供更优质、高效的营销服务。

Beijing Zhidemai Technology Co., Ltd was established in November 2011 and publicly listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange Growth Enterprise Market on July 15, 2019. In the past 10 years, our flagship platform “SMZDM.com”, which is committed and specialized in consumption area, has built an ecosystem consisting of users, content creators , e-commerce platforms as well as brand owners. Further more, we have witnessed the continually growth of “SMZDM.com” from content generation, user acquisition, consumer scalability to profit perspective. Our brand is built around essential influence through internet. Serving as a leading marketing platform with capabilities of brand marketing and order conversion, “SMZDM.com” has since been known as an indispensable channel for e-commerce platforms and brand owners to acquire consumers and enhance brand preference. Currently, our offering covers all categories, providing marketing solutions for thousands of partners. Delivered on the promise for brand owners’ omni-channel marketing demand, we established our subsidiary company “Starlinks”, which is focused on collaboration with external resources, e.g short-form mobile video, live casting and KOL, to bring truly benefit for monetization. Moving forward, we will constantly devote ourselves on providing consumption content and data, diversified portfolio of marketing solutions and building a mainstream channel for brand operators with better content and maintain strong relationship with end consumers, which, will enable a profound revolution of resource optimization and product evolution. Our mission is to provide a leading marketing destination for e-commerce platforms and brand owners with excellence and efficiency.