迈向新常态,共赢新增长 2020-10-21 17:00:00.0-2020-10-21 17:40:00.0|2020-10-21 17:00:00.0

  • 谷歌大中华区营销洞察与解决方案副总裁

  • 经济学人集团大中华区副总裁

  • 安克创新合伙人兼高级副总裁

  • WebTVAsia 葡萄子传媒大中华区总裁



In the face of economic pressure and external uncertainties, Google has always paid attention to the needs of China’s "Go Global" clients. How to deal with this challenge is the main topic among clients. In the path to the new normal, it’s important for China’s "Go Global" clients to build resilient businesses which involves Visibility, Capability and Sustainability at this moment. Google will always empower those clients on Visibility, Capability, Sustainability, and help them build resilient businesses in the path to the new normal.


林妤真    谷歌大中华区营销洞察与解决方案副总裁

张宇亮    经济学人集团大中华区副总裁

张山峰    安克创新合伙人兼高级副总裁

李华霖    WebTVAsia 葡萄子传媒大中华区总裁



Google的使命是整合全球信息,使人人皆可访问并从中受益。通过搜索、地图、GmailAndroidGoogle PlayChromeYouTube等产品和平台,Google在全球数十亿用户的日常生活中扮演了重要角色,并成长为全球最知名的品牌之一。GoogleAlphabet的子公司。 在中国,凭借全球领先的创新洞察、各类的技术产品和服务,Google一直努力推动中国科技创新、商业发展、移动开发的进步以及文化的传播。通过持续分享创新趋势,Google 不断激发中国合作伙伴的创新动力。运用先进的技术和服务,Google助力中国企业智胜全球。Google还为开发者构建了健康的生态系统,并以全方位的产品与技术平台和解决方案,帮助他们在世界舞台上展现来自中国的创新实力。同时,Google也积极地与中国的文化机构合作,通过创新技术,与合作伙伴一起保护和推广中国丰富璀璨的文化与艺术。 了解更多,请访问: https://www.google.com.hk/intl/zh-CN/about/

Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Through products and platforms like Search, Maps, Gmail, Android, Google Play, Chrome and YouTube, Google plays a meaningful role in the daily lives of billions of people and has become one of the most widely-known companies in the world. Google is a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc. In China, Google continues to contribute to technology innovation and culture, as well as Chinese business and developer communities with solid support. By constantly sharing its innovations, Google inspires Chinese companies and partners to innovate for a better world. Through solid solutions and constant support, Google helps Chinese businesses succeed in global markets .Google also provides a healthy and vibrant ecosystem for Chinese developers, and supports them in bringing Chinese innovations to the rest of the world, with a full range of tools and platforms. Moreover, Google is an innovation partner for cultural institutions, working on technologies that help preserve and share the incredible heritage of Chinese culture. For more information about Google, pleas visit https://www.google.com.hk/intl/zh-CN/about/