数字时代的商业成长 2020-10-20 17:45:00.0-2020-10-20 18:25:00.0|2020-10-20 17:45:00.0

  • 爱点击集团 CMO

  • 爱点击集团 品牌营销销售副总裁

  • 畅移科技 合伙人&CMO

  • FARFETCH 中国品牌市场总监

  • 百雀羚 社交电商事业部负责人

  • 知名时尚博主 爱点击MCN独家签约

  • 爱点击集团共同创始人&CEO


过去10年,国内商业市场环境复杂多变,随着互联网流量红利的减缓,企业在营和销两种场景中的需求发生了很大的变化,行业关注的重点从流量获客与增量服务慢慢向存量精细化运营的商业模式过渡。 我们相信,这种趋势变化对企业对品牌来说 既是挑战也是机遇,它为企业静下心来沉淀数据资产,并以数据为生产资料驱动企业的生产、运营和销售提供了很好的契机。我们愿与所有合作伙伴一起,沿着这个方向为众多品牌乃至中国的数字商业生态探索一条可行的商业新增长之路,让品牌在新的增长之路上做到:营和销,都有数!

Over the past 10 years, doing business in China has become more complex and volatile. With the decline of internet traffic dividends, it has posed significant changes to how enterprises develop their "sales and marketing" strategies. The industry has gradually experienced a paradigm shift from traditional internet-enabled customer acquisition to more operations-oriented approach on the business model. We believe that this transition comes with both a profound challenge and a growing opportunity for enterprises and brands to harness their data and use it to enhance their production, operations and sales as to identify new opportunities. Together with all of our partners, we are willing to explore a viable new business path and lead to smarter business moves for brands and enterprises in China. In conclusion, they could explore a new growing business path from a more structured, digital marketing and sales approach.


唐健      爱点击集团 共同创始人&CEO

江坚炜    爱点击集团 CMO

平亮       爱点击集团 品牌营销销售副总裁

张弦       畅移科技 合伙人&CMO

顾琦       FARFETCH中国品牌市场总监

李进       百雀羚 社交电商事业部负责人

Ritatawang    知名时尚博主 爱点击MCN独家签约




爱点击集团iClick(NASDAQ:ICLK)是国内领先的企业数字化运营解决方案提供商,致力于通过帮助企业构建数字化运营能力最终协助客户获得商业上的成功。 爱点击成立于2009年,是业内最早一批将数字营销概念引入国内市场的企业之一,经过11年的高速发展,爱点击集团以最前沿的技术和海量的数据积累为核心,现已实现了基于数据驱动的囊括全渠道营销和数字化运营在内的一体化解决方案服务能力;目前爱点击为全球超过3000家大中型企业客户提供服务,并与世界500强中超过1/3的企业建立了密切的合作关系,获得业界的广泛好评,2017年爱点击在美国纳斯达克上市(NASDAQ:ICLK),被外媒称为中国营销科技第一股。

iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited (NASDAQ: ICLK) is an independent online marketing and enterprise data solutions provider that connects worldwide marketers with audiences in China. Built on cutting-edge technologies, iClick’s proprietary platform possesses omni-channel marketing capabilities and fulfils various marketing objectives in a data-driven and automated manner, helping both international and domestic marketers to reach their target audiences in China. Headquartered in Hong Kong, iClick was established in 2009 and is currently operating in ten locations worldwide including Asia and Europe.