艺术与科技结合,全场景智慧营销 2020-10-19 09:30:00.0-2020-10-19 10:10:00.0|2020-10-19 09:30:00.0

  • 知名主持人

  • 华为消费者云服务总裁

  • 沃尔沃汽车大中华区销售公司总裁

  • 人文财经观察家、秦朔朋友圈发起人、中国商业文明研究中心联席主任

  • 碚曦投资协作体创始人兼首席执行官


2020年,营销终端化像一股势不可挡的风潮席卷而来。智能终端用户规模庞大,互动性强,渗透在消费者生活的各个场景中,沉淀了丰富的数据能量,蕴含着巨大的营销潜能。HUAWEI Ads 是基于华为1+8+N全场景智慧生态下的互联网营销服务。HUAWEI Ads 整合华为终端云服务多流量入口,以华为高价值用户为核心,致力与客户共建终端全场景化的品质营销新体验。

Nowadays, mobile device has swept like an unstoppable trend. Mobile device owes the largest users in scale and are highly interactive. They penetrate into every scene of users’ moments, access data, with unbelievable technology and create huge marketing possibilities. HUAWEI Ads is an ad service platform based on Huawei “1+8+N” strategy for the 5G era, which integrates Huawei native cloud services and offers better ad services for advertisers and ad sharing policy to attract developers. HUAWEI Ads considers its high-end users as its core value, and is committed to creating an open and compliant advertising ecosystem for high quality marketing experience.


林劼       华为消费者云服务开放平台业务部总经理

许戈辉    知名主持人

张平安    华为消费者云服务总裁

钦培吉    沃尔沃汽车大中华区销售公司总裁

秦朔       人文财经观察家、秦朔朋友圈发起人、中国商业文明研究中心联席主任

李倩玲    碚曦投资协作体创始人兼首席执行官



HUAWEI Ads 是基于华为1+8+N全场景智慧生态下的互联网营销服务。HUAWEI Ads 整合华为终端云服务多流量入口,以华为高价值用户为核心,致力与客户共建终端全场景化的品质营销新体验。

HUAWEI Ads is an ad service platform based on Huawei “1+8+N” strategy for the 5G era, which integrates Huawei native cloud services and offers better ad services for advertisers and ad sharing policy to attract developers. HUAWEI Ads considers its high-end users as its core value, and is committed to creating an open and compliant advertising ecosystem for high quality marketing experience.