媒体数字化转型的理想与现实 2019-10-17 10:15:00.0-2019-10-17 10:55:00.0|2019-10-17 10:15:00.0

  • 分众传媒集团合伙人、集团副总裁

  • 上海师范大学影视传媒学院教授、博士生导师

  • 益普索中国区总裁


人人都在说创新。怎么创新?答案是:数字化! 媒体和营销的数字化变革已经近在眼前。数字化媒体是数字化营销的平台基础,只有媒体实现了数字化,才能满足数字营销的三大要求:精准化、时效化以及系统化。 媒体数字化转型的前行路上,心中有光,必有远方。分众传媒作为前瞻者和实践者,携手专家学者,共同讨论媒体数字化转型的趋势、问题和方法。



分众传媒诞生于2003年,创建了电梯媒体广告模式,2005年成为首家在美国纳斯达克上市的中国广告传媒股,并于2007年入选纳斯达克100指数。2015年分众传媒回归A股,市值破千亿,成为中国传媒第一股。分众传媒营收超百亿关键在于,抓住了【电梯】这个核心场景。电梯是城市的基础设施,电梯这个日常的生活场景代表着四个词:主流人群、必经、高频、低干扰,而这四个词正是今天引爆品牌的核心稀缺资源。 今天4亿城市人口,每天3亿看分众。分众电梯媒体,覆盖230多个城市,超过260万个电梯终端,5亿人次城市主流人群的日均到达,被评为【中国广告最具品牌引爆力媒体】。阿里、腾讯、京东、滴滴等5400个品牌投分众,BrandZ调研中国TOP100大客户81%投分众,分众独有的价值是在主流城市主流人群必经的电梯空间中每天形成了高频次有效到达,从而形成了强大的品牌引爆的能力。

Focus Media was founded in 2003 and created the elevator media advertising model. Its IPO in2005 on NASDAQ was the first among Chinese advertising company. In 2007, it was included in the NASDAQ100 Index. In2015, Focus Media returned to the China A-share market. As the undisputable leader in offline advertising industry, Focus Media owes its impressive RMB10+billion results to the pivot aluse case of “elevator”. Elevators are the part-and-parcel of urban infrastructure and everyday life. It addresses the mass population passing through elevators with high frequency and low distraction. This makes elevator media the favorite resources for advertising success today. Focus Media covers 300 out of the 400 million Chinese urban residents everyday. Focus’ elevator campaigns generate 500+million impressions per day across 230+cities and more than 2.6 million elevator terminals, making it as “China’s most brand-exploding media”.