天下为公 2019-10-14 17:45:00.0-2019-10-14 18:25:00.0|2019-10-14 17:45:00.0

  • 艺高高创始人兼首席艺术官

  • 兄弟(中国)商业有限公司董事长兼总经理

  • 上海市华侨事业发展基金会秘书长

  • 上海睿和美育投资发展有限公司董事长




1-12 艺高高-天下为公-v2.pdf


艺高高是极具竞争力和影响力的艺术传播机构,是基于线上当代艺术品直购电商平台发展起来的综合艺术服务商,引领大众“一不小心进了艺术圈儿”、为商业用户搭建与艺术结合的桥梁。 艺高高上线于2014年1月18日,聚焦买得起的艺术品,满足中产阶级人群的生活品质需求,倡导新时代的艺术消费观念及生活方式。具有丰富艺术活动、艺术制造经验的我们,不断创新、实践及验证符合时代要求并可持续发展的艺术商业模型,开辟品牌与艺术结合的新模式,供应满足商业市场的艺术内容。艺高高不只是一个卖艺术的网站,更是满足商业与艺术破界融合的原创艺术能量场。 艺高高artgogo不变的初衷是:“为300万爱画画的人,找到那300万要买画的人”,成为衔接艺术能量供应者和需求者之间最佳的桥梁。 为中国乃至世界的当代原创艺术创造更多展现能量的机会、挖掘明日的大艺术家、培育未来艺术消费的顶层人群,传播时代需要的艺术能量。

Artgogo is a highly competent and influential art institution. It is a multi-function art vendor founded on the basis of online e-commerce platform. It aims to lead the public into art circle smoothly, and build bridge between business owners and art. Artgogo was founded on January 18th, 2014. It focuses on affordable art works, satisfying life style demands of middle class, while promoting new consumer concept on artworks and life style. With Abundant experiences in hosting artistic events and producing artworks, We endeavor to be innovative, and realizing sustainable artistic business form that meets contemporary need, creating new model with which combines brand and art, satisfying the demand for artistic content of commercial market. It also provides creative energy for both commercial market and art. Artgogo’s principle is to locate three million art-lovers for three million artists looking for clients, and to become the bridge between request and demand. Artgogo intends to create opportunities for contemporary artists to demonstrate their arts, discover and sustain new artists, training upper-class consumers in the future, and spread artistic energy for contemporary period.